Cover of The Hunger Games prequel book ‘Sunrise On The Reaping’

Chapter 8 sees Haymitch continue training for The Hunger Games and also continue building alliances with other Districts in order to strengthen his chances of survival within the arena.

This review is part of series where I review one chapter of Sunrise on the Reaping each day as I read along.

What happens in Chapter 8 of Sunrise on the Reaping?

The chapter picks up with Plutarch grilling Haymitch on why he and other District citizens don’t put up a fight against the Capitol’s regime. This line of questioning is much to the annoyance of Haymitch who feels it is out of touch as the districts hold very little power in his mind and the severity of punishment the Capitol can inflict is far greater than any rebellion the districts could carry out.

Haymitch then speaks to Ampert – the boy who has initiated the forming of the non-career districts alliance – who informs him that his dad is present at the training. Haymitch then meets Ampert’s dad and finds out that he is the District 3 victor who won years ago by electrocuting his competition. Ampert’s dad then explains to Haymitch – as he teaches him how to make potatoes into batteries to create a light source in the games – that Ampert has been made a tribute as a punishment for his act of rebellion and that he has also been made his mentor so that he has to watch him prepare for his imminent death.

Further progress is made in the formation of the non-career alliance with Haymitch winning over District 6’s tributes by offering them lunches after theirs were stolen by careers. District 11 is also notably becoming more interested in the prospect of the alliance. Maysilee and Wyatt make friends in tributes with Maysilee using her jewellery making skills at the request of other tributes including Ampert.

The chapter finishes with the tributes being taken back to their apartment until their vehicle is stopped and only Haymitch is asked to get out. Haymitch is greeted by Plutarch at a grand Capitol building and his tone makes it clear to Haymitch that he may be about to pay a price for his ‘scene’ after the chariot incident.

Review – Is Chapter 8 of Sunrise on the Reaping Good?

This chapter does a lot of ground work in letting readers know a bit more about the other tributes Haymitch will be facing in the arena. It was a very interesting twist to have a mentor be the father of a tribute and it is something that definitely makes the reader curious to see what type of implications this may have for during the games.

It was fun to see the District 12 tributes befriend tributes from other districts, particularly the bond that Maysilee forms with Ampert with Ampert telling Maysilee he wishes she was his sister and Maysilee replying “I’ll be your sister”. 🥹

Plutarch’s ominous appearance at the end of the chapter makes for a very effective cliffhanger which makes the reader desperate to turn the page.

Discussion – Is Maysilee One of the Best Tributes We’ve Had?

Perhaps it’s just me, but Maysilee has seriously grown on me and she might just be up there as one of my favourite tributes in the Hunger Games franchise next to Katniss, Peeta and Haymitch.

Seeing her bond with Ampert was such a sweet moment and finding out about her talent for jewellery making as she utilises it at the request of other tributes was also a really fun thing about this chapter.

Her continued giving of unsolicited fashion advice and other critiques – such as telling one boy to stop biting his finger nails 😭 – despite the situation she (and the people she is talking to) are in is also simply iconic.

What are your thoughts?

That’s a wrap on my review of Chapter 8! Let me know below in the comments what you think about the chapter and if you agree/disagree with any of my opinions.

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