Side note: A few of these theories are on the wackier side but just might be crazy enough to be true.

The Season 2 finale is almost here so I thought it would be a good idea to round up some of the best theories that have caught my attention. As a major Severance fan I am a pretty active member of r/Severance as well as SeveranceTok, and these are my favourite theories I have seen so far.

1. Ricken is a Goat’s Outie or is Some Form of Innie

Let’s just get this theory out the way… 💀

This is a popular theory on Reddit at the moment which is satirical but funnily enough can’t really be disproved. The main things driving this theory is the alarming amount of goat related decor in Ricken’s house and the strangeness of his friends who we saw in season 1… oh and his goatee.

Many people also point out how his personality is ‘childish’ in some ways which is why some believe he is an innie of some sort. As stupid as this theory might just be, there really is more evidence to support it than to disprove it at the moment. 🐐

2. The Cold Harbour Project Is About Severing Love

This is a theory which I can totally get behind as time and time again it does seem to be the case that love transcends the severance process. From Mark & Helly R/Helena’s romance to Burt & Irving’s and Dylan with his wife , each character’s innie and outie life seems to prove this to be the case.

This theory may also explain the importance of Mark being essential to the Cold Harbour file which is related to Gemma.

3. Secret Shared Past of Reghabi & Cobel

I have my FYP to thank for gracing me with this somewhat satire yet persuasive TikTok which shows all the hints the show has given about Reghabi and Cobel’s shared past:

The TikTok hints that there may have been a romantic relationship between the two which could be the case but in all seriousness it really does raise questions about what Reghabi’s role was within Lumon. Was she the previous floor supervisor as some Redditors suspect or was she just an employee/friend of Cobel’s?

4. Helena/Helly R Is Pregnant

So this is one of the theories going around right now which most people agree with. Season 2 does seem to be hinting at this with the Helly R/Helena and Mark drama so it is likely that we may get this announcement in the season finale.

5. Helly R Will Straight Up Kill Jame Eagan

I saw this theory yesterday in this Reddit post and I really love it:

At the end of Season 2 Episode 9 we see Jame Eagan walk into the severed floor and confront Helly R (or Helena – some are saying that at least), however, he is so use to speaking down to Helena it is likely that he may not realise just how different Helly R is to her outie.

I can totally picture Helly R straight up killing Jame in a fit of rage by hitting over the head with some type of office object. This would definitely be a twist and would totally change the dynamics of Lumon in season 3 as the company would have to have new leadership – or maybe even just introduce us to the real management (the board).

That’s the five theories which have caught my eye ahead of the finale and which tbh… I am totally here for. Let me know if there are any other interesting theories you have or have seen below.

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