Season 2 of Severance does not hold back the unique comedy element that the sci-fi drama’s fans have come to know and love, delivering some of its funniest moments in the most dramatic circumstances. Here’s a reminder of the ten funniest moments in Severance Season 2.
1. “Devour Feculence” – Milchick

This moment was not only funny but also extremely satisfying to watch. I can definitely see this being a Severance reference that lives on for years to come.
2. Cobel Screaming and Almost Driving Over Mark in Episode 2

Something about the absurdness of this moment just makes it one of the funniest moments of the show for me. Not to mention that this is in response to Mark telling Cobel that he ate her cookies in a rather aggressive tone and then asking her about Gemma.
3. Mark Threatening the Worker on Gemma’s Floor With a Gun
The Season 2 finale did not hold back on comedy and is the episode in which multiple moments on this list are from.
This interaction definitely stands out as one of the most chaotic in the show and added a bit of comic relief amongst the high stakes ‘mission’ that Outie & Innie Mark were on to rescue Gemma.
4. Milchick Sprinting Away From Dylan to Make it in Time for His Dance / His Dance Itself

Another moment from the finale that was randomly funny was when Milchick sprints away from Dylan in order to make it in time for his performance.
The unamused (and slightly concerned) faces of Helly R and Mark throughout this scene as Milchick perfectly enacts his dance make it all the more hilarious to watch.💀
5. Mark Playing the Ball Game With the Temporary MDR Team in Episode 1

From the standoff between Ms Huang and Mark S where she establishes her authority over him to Mark W (the oldest temporary team member) asking Ms Huang why she is a child to which she responds – “Because of when I was born”, this scene is packed of comedy gold. 😭
6. “He Dumb?” – Innie Dylan Asking His Outie’s Wife About His Outie

This is a quote which most Severance fans have been using while discussing the show throughout the whole season since its debut in Episode 3 and we can likely expect that it will be used during the seasons to come just as Season 1’s ‘please enjoy each fact equally’ quote continues to be used.
7. Milchick’s Explanation for Cobel’s Firing & Why She Posed as Outie Mark’s Neighbour

One of the most bizarre moments of the first episode of Season 2 is Milchick’s explaining to Mark that the reason for Cobel’s firing (and the reason for her being in contact with his outie) is that she had plans to pursue both his innie and outie in what “might be termed a throuple”.
The total randomness of this statement is hilarious to the viewer but may be strategic on Lumon’s part as it is very effective in making Mark stop asking questions about her departure from the company.
8. “Why Is She Like Eight?” – Dylan Questioning Why Ms Huang Is So Young

There is no shortage of iconic lines from Dylan and this is just another one that is delivered when the MDR team are first introduced to the Lumon’s Wintertide Fellowship participant, Ms Huang.
9. Mark’s Fake Note for Mr Milchick in Episode One

After returning to a totally new MDR team, Mark S writes a note as if he is Mark W. The note Mark leaves dissing Mr Milchick in an attempt to get his new MDR team removed is a total fail as the writing is immediately recognised as Mark S’s own, making for an extra funny moment with Mark S’s new team members annoyed at him as well as Mr Milchick (a.k.a. Mr Milkshake – as the note says).
10. “What’s Taking Place?” – A Confused Ms Casey

The dramatic reunion of Mark and Gemma does not disappoint and makes for an extremely emotional moment. This is part of what makes this scene so great as the contrast between the dramatic reunion moments earlier to this after Mark and Gemma switch to their severed floor innies makes for an extremely awkward moment.
That’s a wrap on this list of the ten funniest moments of Severance Season 2. Let me know what your thoughts on the finale of Severance Season 2 are and if you think I missed any of the funniest moments below.
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