Cover of The Hunger Games prequel book ‘Sunrise On The Reaping’

Chapter 2 of Sunrise on the Reaping picks up from the deadly twist at the end of Chapter 1 and furthers readers’ understanding of the world/times Haymitch is living in and of course showcases the moment he is given the dreaded news that he will in fact be participating in The Hunger Games.

This review is part of a series where I review one chapter of the book per day as I read along. You can check my review of Chapter 1 here.

What happens in Chapter 2 of Sunrise on the Reaping?

Following the blood shed at the end of Chapter 1, the District 12 reaping turns into chaos with people running away and Peacekeepers firing. Before things calm down Haymitch finds himself defying a Peacekeeper in order to save his girlfriend, Lenore Dove, which is why Drusilla chooses him as the replacement for the executed boy who had tried to escape.

Haymitch and the other tributes attempt to fit in as much time as possible with their family’s but the peacekeepers don’t allow them to and the majority of the short time they have is spent for the most part getting dramatic shots taken showcasing their despair.

Haymitch and the other tributes then find themself on the train in what is ultimately a prison cell. As the train leaves District 12, Lenore Dove is along the train’s route and fits in a private goodbye to Haymitch.

Review – What Did I Think of Chapter 2?

The chapter’s descriptive language/depiction of Haymitch’s perspective during the chaos was masterfully done in a way that makes it extremely easy for the reader to picture the scene taking place. This along with the focus on Haymitch’s goodbyes to his family adds a lot of depth and realism to the chapter which weighs heavily on the reader, making them feel all the emotions that Haymitch is feeling.

This chapter was straight up depressing to put it simply (in a good way though as it was also very entertaining) and it might just be one of the lowest chapters in the whole of The Hunger Games franchise. Haymitch’s talk with his brother in his final moments before being taken to the train definitely stands out as one of the most emotional moments in the franchise.

On a less serious note, the quick introduction of Otho Mellark (Peeta’s father) was something I audibly laughed at. Not that I am complaining though (although it did feel a little forced) as I am always looking for there to be connections to the other books, I just didn’t expect for us to be introduced to so many within the first 2 chapters.

Discussion – Anyone else missing Effie?

Drusilla is truly fitting of her Capitol position and is a great villain that we can root for the downfall of later on in the book… since we know Snow survives and all.

I am really curious if we will see Effie at all in this book, although I am not sure it would make sense for the timeline of Sunrise on the Reaping, and Drusilla really does make me long for her return even more.

The more I read this book, the more excited I am for the film. I feel like this chapter in particular will play out really well on screen and I am really looking forward to seeing who they cast for each character.

What are your thoughts?

What did you think of the second chapter? Do you agree that this book’s reaping day did not disappoint? Comment below. 👇

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